Streaming Media

May 2021 interview interview with philosopher Daniel Sanderson of (first of a series) [107 min video]

April 2021 interview on Voice of America radio’s Global Business with Mahesh Joshi [58 min audio]

February 2021 interview with Stephen Meade of the BullsEyeGuy podcast. [40 min.]

January 2021 interview with Dr. Andrew Stotz, CFA of the “My Worst Investment Ever” podcast. [38 min.]

August 2020 – Karl interviewed by the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association (BAIPA) about writing “The Fairshare Model.”

July 2020 – Karl interviewed by Samar Hasan on Epiphany Talks podcast

October 2019 – Karl interviewed by Laurie Lane-Zucker of Impact Entrepreneur at the 2019 SOCAP (Social Capital) conference in San Francisco

July 2019 – Karl’s presentation on The Fairshare Model at SVE Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs conference at Stanford University

January 2019 – Karl interviewed on Building the Future podcast (Episode 107)

January 2018 – Karl’s question for attendees of World Economic Forum in Davos – “What is the purpose of an economy?”

August 2016 – Karl’s highly popular–30K views on YouTube–video, “Pre-Money Valuation: How to Calculate It.” [NOTE: The information about book at the opening and close of of the video is obsolete.]

June 2013 – Karl participates in an “Intelligence Squared” style debate on crowdfunding. The question at issue is “Will investors AND entrepreneurs BOTH benefit from the upcoming regulatory change that allows for equity crowdfunding (Rule CF). Karl and his teammate, Ron Weisman, argue that that the answer is “no.” Howard Leonhardt and Thad Leingang argue that the answer is “yes.” The audience decided that Howard and Thad prevailed. The order of speakers are Howard, Ron, Thad and finally, Karl.